What is a 3D model?
A 3D building model is a three-dimensional digital representation of an object or environment. It is created using modelling software. Its main purpose is to visualise shapes and volumes. 3D models are often used in architecture to give a quick overview of the project.
These models are used primarily for visual communication. They give designers and customers a better understanding of the appearance and layout of buildings. However, they generally do not contain any additional information, such as physical properties or costs. Their role is therefore limited to the geometric aspect.
What is a BIM model?
A BIM model (Building Information Modeling) goes far beyond a simple visual model. Each element of the building is associated with specific information. This data can include technical specifications, performance and costs. This digital model therefore incorporates both geometric and non-geometric aspects.
Thanks to the 3D BIMWith BIM, all those involved in a project (architects, engineers, managers) work together more effectively. BIM covers the entire life cycle of a building: from design to maintenance. It is a powerful tool for optimising construction.
Key differences between 3D and BIM models
La 3D building model focuses on the visual and geometric aspects. The BIM model, on the other hand, includes rich, detailed information. It enables projects to be better managed thanks to essential technical data. BIM is therefore emerging as a complete solution for construction projects.
3D Scan Bat services: 3D model or BIM?
3D Scan Bat mainly offers 3D building modelsbut can also produce BIM models on request. Our 3D models generally respect a level of detail between LOG200 and LOG300, guaranteeing an accurate representation.
We group certain elements together, such as walls and ceilings, to simplify modelling. This approach can be adapted to meet specific requirements. We also offer the option of incorporating additional levels of detail in the BIM modelslike LOD and LOI.
Why choose a BIM model?
Le 3D BIM enables intelligent, collaborative project management. Thanks to the LOD and LOI levels of detail, you have a complete and precise vision. BIM optimises costs, quality and deadlines. It's an essential tool for complex projects.
Find out more about BIM and 3D models
For a better understanding of the levels of detail in BIM, see our page dedicated to the LOD, LOI and LOG levels of detail:
Definition of LOD, LOI and LOG levels of detail in BIM.
Find out more about concrete examples of projects using 3D BIM:
BIM building projects.